Teen Titans Go! is Like Watching the DC Universe Take the Weekend Off

Teen Titans Go! is Like Watching the DC Universe Take the Weekend Off

You need a break. We all do. 

If you’re already a fan of Teen Titans Go!, then I’m going to make this very short for you - you’re going to love it. I’m not sure why you haven’t seen it already? It’s been out for a few days. 

If you’re generally a superhero movie fan and have gone through the cognitive dissonance of loving DC while watching every single one of their movies, you need this slice of ginger. I don’t like ginger but that’s a sushi-related reference, please understand it and appreciate it. I ate ginger for you.


Relax, take a day off and watch Teen Titans Go! To the Movies. It’s a lighthearted couple of hours where everyone pokes fun at the DC Universe. If you’re not into meta comedy, though, skip. It’s a lot of meta. It’s all meta.

Also, if you’re the kind of person who’s going to spiral in rage when you realize that Bahrain found something to cut in a children’s cartoon, no matter how insignificant that cut is, then skip.

And the movie’s actually pretty long, especially for what you’d expect when watching a whimsical animated cartoon based on a series that airs on Cartoon Network. The plot gets muddled, it feels like two plots fighting each other and every time you think the movie’s over, the other plot comes in like “AYO I’m not done though” and wants to have the last word.

If you’re cool with all that, then just watch this movie. It’s just a light palette cleanser for all the drama-filled and action-packed movies, TV shows, and games we consume every day.

Short and sweet. You like that? 

OH, WAIT. If you're going to watch the movie, there's an after-credit scene, and it's actually a good one. Thank me later.

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