Subscription Box Review: Turntable Kitchen (Box 2)

Subscription Box Review: Turntable Kitchen (Box 2)

Subscription Box Review: Turntable Kitchen (Box 2) is part of the Subscription Boxes review series. All photos are taken by Ali Haji Photography.

Turntable Kitchen - The Pairings Box (Box 2)


Turntable Kitchen describes its Pairings Box as "both a recipe of the month club and a vinyl subscription service."

Cost of the box: 9.43 Bahraini Dinars

Cost of shipping (direct): 5.66 Bahraini Dinars

Total Cost: BHD 15.09

Shipped: October 19, 2018

Received at Doorstep: November 5-ish, 2018 .. should’ve written it down.

What's in Box 2:


Ahh the hipsterism continues.

  • Vinyl Record:

The Undercover Dream Lovers EP

Okay, so this EP in its exact form doesn’t exist on Spotify, so it’s pretty cool to have like a special little item that was made specifically for you - because you paid for it, but still. The songs do exist online though, just a little scattered around in various albums and singles. Musically, this record is the sibling of the last record, Ghostly Kisses, so - even though the music is nice - are you really broadening my horizons or are you going to be giving me the same test every month?

  • Premium Ingredient:

Organic Poppy Seeds


Okay so no recipe requires that I build a fire out in the middle of the forest at a dewy sunrise, so that’s nice. They give me two recipes for the poppy seeds and one for a cocktail, which feels a little like cheating but I’ll take it.


Okay, so - strangely enough - this box isn’t as hardcore as the last one, which is a good thing for those of us beginners who are just trying to experiment with their lives. It’s funny, last box my complaint was about the ingredient being too out-there and the recipes being overboard, but now the ingredient is a-okay and the music choice is what’s bringing me down. If I didn’t try a box before this, I’d give this one a thumbs up, so I’m going to do that - but I’m wary of the next (and final) box. Only then will I give my final appraisal.

Your Average Fatima can get with this.


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